Monday, May 9, 2016

Best Ways to Make Your Home Smell Better and Fresher

Scents make memories and lasting impressions. That’s why if you want anyone who visits your home to get that lasting impression, you should make an effort to make it smell better and fresher. The thing with typical home improvement is that you seem to be focused solely on what is seen, not what is smelled. The key is to giving your home that distinctive smell to not just give a positive impression but also to make your space a lot fresher and better overall.

So here are the best ways to do that:

Let’s begin with the very simple ones from, in the article “7 Ways to Make Your Home Smell Amazing.

Make a stove simmer.

“I learned this from my crafty and cleaning obsessed mother,” says interior designer Rhobin DelaCruz. “Simmer water in a small saucepan and add citrus slices and herbs, like lavender or mint.” The heat permeates the sweet scent throughout your house — an easy trick that is as lovely for a party as it is for any ol’ Tuesday.

Clean your garbage disposal.

Notice a lingering stink? Might want to check the sink. “First try spritzing a dollop of lemon-scented dish soap down into the disposal, run the water, then turn it on,” says interior designer Keita Turner. You can also run lemon or lime rinds through the disposal, followed by lots of water. If the smell persists, pour in a 1/2 cup of baking soda while running warm water.

Place candles strategically.

Candles are an obvious way to make your home smell sweet, but some clever placement can increase their efficiency. “Anchor a few candles where you would least expect them to be — but don’t light them,” says interior designer Dee Murphy. “Try the linen closet, or anywhere fabrics might live and be able to absorb the scent. Not only do you get a nice surprise every time you open the door, but your linens will carry the aroma with them wherever you use them.” Unstopables candles have a long-lasting scent and come in cool, modern designs.

Bring the outside in.

“Indoor plants clean the air while beautifying your home,” says Turner. And many offer pleasant fragrances, too. Turner suggests geraniums, Arabian jasmine, eucalyptus, gardenias, corsage orchids, and Cuban oregano.

You want some more tips from this post? If so, simply click this link.

Candles have always been a great way to improve the smell of a room or confined space, but you can actually use them to do the same for a bigger space like your living room, and all that needs to be done is to put them strategically. You don’t have to sweat this because there are so many scented candle varieties you can purchase. Likewise, you will want to consider putting plants inside, especially those that have natural fragrances. Aside from being totally safe, they also give your home some fresh green look inside.

Next up, let us see these tips from, talking about the ways to upgrade your home’s smell during the holidays:

Aromatic Wax Fire Starters

Toss one of these wax bombs into the fire. The dried leaves and pinecones will keep the fire burning, while cinnamon and rosemary fill the air. From Hello Natural.

Olive Oil Candle

Common household olive oil combined with a few drops of essential oil makes for a long-lasting liquid candle. Mix it up at any moment with just a mason jar, wick string and a paper clip. From Little House Living.

Simmer Pots

A smell-good classic, and it couldn’t be easier. Choose a few aromatic spices, herbs and fruits, cover them with water and heat it up in a saucepan on the stovetop (or in a fondue pot). Don’t know where to start? Here are five of our favorite simmer pot recipes to get you started.

Homemade Potpurri

The simmer pot’s less-complicated cousin. Mix some great-smelling stuff together, and leave it in a dish. Depending on your ingredients, it will leave behind a subtle smell for weeks. For extra credit, dehydrate thin slices of apples and oranges by baking them in the oven, like Julie Blanner does on her blog.

Homemade Reed Diffusers

Air fresheners like these go for $30 at a home store, but the raw materials to make your own are really inexpensive. Free, even, if you have bamboo skewers at home in the kitchen. Check out materials and instructions here.

Make Your Own Scented Candles

This is one of those deceptive projects that can really impress. Making your own scented candles is as easy as melting wax chips (available at craft stores) and layering in your favorite natural aromatics. These vanilla and coffee-scented candles are from Hello Natural.

Read the rest of this article here.

We bet after reading all those different ways of improving your home’s smell you’re probably very excited to try them all out. Just keep in mind that all it takes is effort and some experiments. You can’t figure out what you really want if you don’t try them.

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